Donate your no longer used electronics and support our mission of helping others! Upcycle (donate) iPods, iPhones, Smart Phones, Video Games, DVD’s & more!
Do you have gently used iPods, laptops, notebooks, e-readers and graphing calculators that are no longer in use? Have you recently gotten a new iPhone or Smartphone? Do you have game consoles, video games, Blu-Ray and other DVD’s sitting collecting dust? Please donate these no longer used electronics and help us to create a more sustainable environment while helping us reach our fundraising goal. It only takes three simple steps to help a child in need and your donation is 100% tax deductible! Click the donate now button, find your items, and ship for free! Donate today! Our Upcycling partner ***Causes International is giving a 10% BONUS on all "i" products - iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iPad!*** through November 30, 2012.
About Epiphany School
Epiphany School is an independent, tuition-free middle school for children of economically disadvantaged families from Boston neighborhoods. We admit children of diverse faiths, races, cultures and cognitive profiles, believing in the Episcopal tradition that we find God in and through each other’s presence. Epiphany’s small classes, individualized curricula, and extended school days provide rigorous academic, moral and social instruction. In close partnership with families, we are an innovative learning community that affords structured support to help students thrive. Together we are a school that never gives up on a child. Epiphany challenges students to discover and develop the fullness of their individual gifts. We seek to prepare graduates who will contribute intelligently, morally, and actively to the society they will inherit.