
The Unquowa School
Upcycle your no longer used iPhones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, video game consoles and more! See the full list of qualified devices on the right. By Upcycling you support our school and the environment! Please spread the word to friends and family throughout the continental U.S.
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, Social Action, Youth Programs, Donate Now Featured, School

Donate your smartphones, laptops, tablets and more! Collect devices and request free shipping label(s) to ship. 100% data destruction is guaranteed and tax deductible.
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, Faith Based, Human Services, Independent Schools, Non-Profit, Social Action, Donate Now Featured, Charity (Non-profit), School

Lancaster Baptist School
Donate your smartphones, laptops, tablets and more! Collect devices and request free shipping label(s) to ship. 100% data desctruction is guaranteed and tax deductible.
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, Faith Based, School

San Jose Elementary/Duval County Schools
Donate your used electronics and help underprivileged students from San Jose Elementary raise money for a trip to Washington DC. Clean out your office, encourage your co-workers, friends, and family to do the same, and help some great students visit our Nation's Capital.
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, School

Webster Christian School
Donate your retired electronics and help raise money for our school. Clean out your junk drawers and office desks for a great cause!
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Faith Based, Non-Profit, School

Panther Foundation
Upcycle retired cellphones, Smartphones, laptops, iPods, video games and other consumer electronics, receive a FREE FedEx shipping label, and help us raise to raise money in support of school programs without writing a check!
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Athletes / Athletic Events, Education K-12, Non-Profit, Social Action, Youth Programs, Donate Now Featured, School

Coakley Middle School
Help us help kids in need by bringing in your Wii, XBOX, 3DS, GAME CUBE, NINTENDO DS, SONY PSP & PLAYSTATION VIDEO GAMES to help the Norfolk Advocates for Children! You've got used electronics-we all do- items you've outgrown or never use anymore like video games, iPods, smartphones and game consoles and they can make a difference to kids in need. NOW YOU CAN UPCYCLE (donate) THEM! Upcycling transforms your small elecronics that are collecting dust in drawers & closets into funding for the Norfolk Advocates for Children. Upcycling is a great way to protect the planet while making a contribution without wrting a check. Upcycling is GOOD & GREEN! Click the GET STARTED button to join the Upcycle revolution by donating your no longer used items today. Upcycling ... the Fast, Fun & FREE way to give!
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, Non-Profit, Youth Programs, School

Mother Caroline Academy & Education Center
Is your home filled with video games and DVD’s that are no longer being used? Have you recently upgraded your phone? Do your children have old iPods sitting in a drawer? Please donate these used electronics to Mother Caroline Academy and Education Center where we offer girls, their families and community adults an extraordinary education—superb teaching and individual attention that results in a strong academic foundation and builds self confident leaders.
Donating your used electronics can help us reach our fundraising goals while protecting the planet at the same time. We rely on philanthropic support from individuals, foundations and corporations to support our annual budget of $2 million each year. Your no longer used electronics can really make a difference and there are over 60,000 items you can donate!
All proceeds from the Upcycle Program will support the operating budget. When you contribute to Mother Caroline, you help to meet the school’s most pressing needs.
Your contribution supports…
• Tuition for Academy girls
• Teacher salaries and professional development
• Development of master teachers to strengthen their teaching practice
• Overnight summer camp for Academy girls
• Need-based high school tuition support
• Academic enrichment activities ranging from public speaking, leadership and problem solving skills and team building
• Co-curricular activities including clubs, music, arts and athletics
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Education K-12, Human Services, Independent Schools, Non-Profit, Social Action, Youth Programs, Charity (Non-profit), School

Needham Booster Club
Do you have a drawer (or closet) filled with old cell phones, iPods, digital cameras, video games, calculators, DVD's or other small electronic devices? Needham High School Booster Club has an offer for you: Donate your old, used devices to help raise money for the NHS Booster Club, and keep toxic chemicals and waste out of the environment. No items donated EVER go into a landfill! All you do is collect the devices you want to Upcycle, click the GET STARTED button where you will go to the NHS Booster Upcycling web site to enter your items and send your devices in: It's that simple! Shipping is FREE and all money raised through Upcycling goes to the NHS Booster Club. Everyone knows how to help others by donating used items whether it's clothing or a car. Upcycling electronics is the same idea! The electronics, video games and DVD's you no longer use still have value and can create funding that supports our students. Contact your family, friends, and neighbors to see if they have any unused devices they would like to get rid of….and you can also post this page to Facebook or Twitter to get the word out to your social network. Upcycling! It’s the new way to give!
Click here to browse fundraisers
Category: Athletes / Athletic Events, Education K-12, School